Summer Birdin' Havin' A Blast

June 22, 2014  •  2 Comments

Just because it's Summer, doesn't mean that birding has to end.   In fact the locals are out and singing, hatching and feeding babies, and as with everything; bringing honor and glory to God and His creation. 

So here are some of my late Spring and early Summer birds.  Click on the image to go to the galleries.


Dickcissels seem to be some of the last that show up.  But their song to me announces the start of summer.



Sandhill Cranes are one of the biggest US birds. Their call sort of reminds me of gargling :-D.  I have been trying for well over 5 years to get pictures of...well to get GOOD pictures of. :-D Sandy Ridge Reservation near Cleveland has a pair of them that nest there.  They have not had any chicks yet, but it is not for the lack of trying. :-D (If you go to the gallery, you will see them in action...just a warning. ;-) )


Male Sandhill CraneMale Sandhill CraneMale Sandhill Crane

The Blackbirds were having nothing to do with the Cranes...They want them away from their nesting sites...NOW! :-D

Male Sandhill CraneMale Sandhill CraneMale Sandhill Crane Female Sandhill CraneFemale Sandhill CraneFemale Sandhill Crane


American Coots are interesting birds.  They don't like to fly, and their feet are weird looking...but they have cute little chicks.  See the one sticking its head out below. :-D

American Coot w/ ChickAmerican Coot w/ ChickAmerican Coot w/ Chick


Bald Eagles...what can I say.  Awesome birds that are making a comeback!  I took this picture and several others up at Sandy Ridge when I was there with the Cranes.  It was chased off by a Canada Goose and looked like it was landing to regroup.  But the Wood Ducks weren't taking any chances. :-D

Bald EagleBald Eagle Flushing Some WoodiesBald Eagle


Red-shouldered Hawks are another one of the birds that I have been trying to get.  Fortunately there was a nest closer to me than the cranes. :-)  These are a couple of the Juvenile birds that have left the nest, but are still relying on the parents to bring them some food.  However, they are learning hunting skills for life on their own.
Juvenile Red-shouldered HawkJuvenile Red-shouldered HawkJuvenile Red-shouldered Hawk Juvenile Red-shouldered HawkJuvenile Red-shouldered HawkJuvenile Red-shouldered Hawk


The rest so far this summer have been some of the small super fast insect eating Swallows.  First is the Purple Martin. Though these will nest in natural cavities, you see them most in the backyard bird condos.  I saw this one up at Lakeview Beach in Loraine.   I like the houses that they used...might have to get some. :-)

Purple Martin; MalePurple Martin; MalePurple Martin

Cliff Swallows nest in mud nest that they build one ball at a time.  You will mostly see them in colonies under bridges...and cliffs of course. These were taken at Hoover Reservoir, North of Columbus Ohio.  They nest at the dam and under the bridges.  So you can get up on top of them and try to get some of them in  flight...but they are very very fast.:-D

Adult Cliff SwallowsAdult Cliff SwallowsCliff Swallows

Baby Cliff Swallows and Adult FeedingBaby Cliff Swallows and Adult FeedingCliff Swallows

The last two nest in cavities that they burrow out of soft mud and sand on steep hillsides. And they sort of look alike.

Rough-winged Swallows are cute little flyers that I find out along the roadside near creeks.  this one was a few miles from my house here in La Rue over at an Amish farm.  They are sort of sandy in appearance and have a rough edge on the edge of their wing...hence the name. :-)

Rough-winged SwallowRough-winged SwallowRough-winged Swallow

Bank Swallows live in burrows built in ...wait for it...banks. :-D (and/or piles of gravel. :-) ) These were at a gravel pit an hour from my house.  the owner let me on the property so that I could get closer's always good to ask.  The worst that can happen is the owner saying no...If you don't ask, the worst that can happen is a butt full of ASK!

I have Bank Swallows here...but finding their nests are very difficult here...and I wanted to get some nesting action. So I added it to my list of birds to get one day since I was in the area anyways. :-)


Parent conference.

Bank SwallowBank SwallowBank Swallow

Coming in for a landing!

Bank SwallowBank SwallowBank Swallow

As always click on a picture to go to the gallery...Tons of pictures. :-D

Get out there and enjoy God's creation.  Birds, frogs, snakes, Summer flowers, butterflies, bugs, and spiders are all out there each doing their part to glorify the Creator.


Sola Deo Gloria



Glena and Paul(non-registered)
Fascinating! Your photos are clear, precise, and amazing! After I spent 22 shots trying to get a single photo of a humming bird, I can see that you are a master photographer! The running commentary is perfect for the photographs and your experiences. Thank you for glorifying our Creator with your work in His service!
Love the photos ,it looked like you had a lot of fun on your trips. I have asked home owns too,and I have had good luck.
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